Our Vision for the youth and kids are that they are loved, celebrated and we have a high expectation of God moving in their lives. To do this we pursue fun, friendships and curiosity.
As a team, we are passionate about all the kids and young people we come into contact with whether on a Sunday or during the week. We want ENC to be a place where our kids feel loved, valued, accepted and feel that they can be themselves as they build good relationships with each other and the team. It is our hope and prayer that the children will grow to develop their own real and living relationship with Jesus.
We are keen to make being a part of ENC fun as we learn to love God, follow Jesus and get involved with the things that God is doing in and through our church family.
Tuesdays at 9.30am in Providence Chapel
MID-Week SPARKLERS - Lauren Pritchard
Sparklers Toddler group meets every Tuesday morning at Providence Chapel from 10:00-11:30am.
Here we have free play, craft, sensory play and stories. There is tea and coffee available for adults. Half way through we pause our free play for some singing and snacks.
We ask for a suggested donation of £2.
You can see what sparklers have been up to on our facebook page.