Exeter Network Church is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk so that they can take part in our church community safely. This is done in a coordinated way, which involves the Diocese, senior leaders and trustees of ENC. Concerns about children, young people and adults at risk will be diligently and promptly responded to according to our procedures, whilst recognising the sensitivity it may hold for those involved.
ENC has a growing children’s and young people’s ministry as well as providing support to numerous vulnerable adults, and we come into contact with people from many different backgrounds. It is the intention of our church to offer help, encouragement and spiritual growth to anyone who wishes to receive it. ENC takes this responsibility seriously and endeavours to protect and safeguard the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk who are entrusted to our care.
If you have a concern about the safety of someone or the actions of someone working with children or vulnerable adults, please speak to someone using the contact details below:
Safeguarding CONTACTS
Our Safeguarding representatives are the first people to speak to if you have any concerns around the welfare of a child or adult at risk. Their contacts are shared below or you can submit your concern via this online form.
DIocese contacts
Alternatively, you can contact the Exeter Diocese Safeguarding team using the following details:
Safeguarding enquiry -
Diocese Safeguarding Advisor - Costa Nassaris, Email Costa or call 01392 294969
Diocese Safeguarding Assistant Advisor - James May, Email James or call 01392 345910
During 2024, a number of significant reports brought to light that the culture and practices of church safeguarding needs to improve. Links to these seminal documents are shared below.
As we journey with the Lord towards realising ENC’s vision of ‘On earth as it is in heaven’, we are committed to ensuring that we learn from those events and reports, and that safeguarding is therefore at the heart of everything we do. As such, ENC’s strategic priorities for 2025 are as follows:
Develop a proactive culture in which safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility.
Adopt a learning and reflective approach to develop safeguarding practice.
Strengthen the safeguarding training provision to ENC Staff and volunteers.
Quality assure our safer recruitment, training and safeguarding processes.
The following significant reports have helped shape our safeguarding strategy at ENC:
Jay review 2024 - Independent review on the future of church safeguarding
Soul Survivor review 2024 - Independent review of Mike Pilavachi at Soul Survivor Watford (Fiona Scolding)
Makin Review 2024 - Independent review into the Church’s handling of John Smyth
Working together 2023 - The UK government’s guide to safeguarding children
Everyone’s responsibility
Whilst it’s important that ENC has specific safeguarding representatives, we abide by the principal that ‘the care and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults involved in Church activities is the responsibility of the whole Church (Promoting a Safer Church, 2017)’. We want everyone who participates at ENC to contribute to keeping one another safe and protecting others from harm and accidents, through our actions and behaviour, and to take action if we see or hear something that causes a safeguarding concern.
If you have an urgent concern about a child, young person, or adult, and an immediate response is needed:
Refer directly to the emergency services on 999, and inform the Church Safeguarding Representative and Church Leader (unless they are the subject of concern) via email or telephone.
If you have a concern about someone in need or at risk of harm (non-emergency):
Report to the Church Safeguarding Representative or Deputy Safeguarding Representative, unless they are the subject of concern and therefore please contact either the Church Leader or Diocese Safeguarding Adviser.
If you have a concern about a staff member or volunteer at Exeter Network Church:
Report to the Church Safeguarding Representative or Deputy Safeguarding Representative, unless they are the subject of concern and therefore please contact either the Church Leader or Diocese Safeguarding Adviser.
helplines and further support
NSPCC Child Helpline call 0800 800 5000, email
Devon Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) call 0345 155 1071, email
Devon Children’s Social Care call 0345 600 0388
Devon Adult Care Direct call 0345 155 1007
Devon Domestic Abuse Service call 0345 155 1074