
It all started...
with a party in 2005. Exeter Network Church kicked off with a passion to encounter God and transform our city.

In 2013...
We were awarded A Rocha Eco-congregation status which means we made progress in growing in faith and understanding,
taking practical action, and
impacting the local and global community

In October 2014...
We planted David Fredrick and 18 people from Exeter Network Church to become 'Love the Street', a church plant that focuses on blessing and serving Sidwell Street in Exeter.

In March 2015...
We planted 46 people with Tors Ramsey into St. Matthew's Exeter to start St. Matt's@5, a lively afternoon gathering.

In September 2020 …
In partnership with KXC, we sent 4 families to plant St Basil’s Church based at Windout Farm.

In July 2021 …
We planted 25 people with Carl & Sarah Robinson into St Boniface, Whipton with the vision of seeing a Jesus house on every street in Whipton.

What We Treasure:
As a church we treasure 3 things in particular:
• Mission
• Spirit
• Scripture.

How we do church:
Our life at Exeter Network Church is characterised by 3 things:
• High Participation
• Joyful Celebration
• Strong Expectation
Exeter Network Church is a church that launched in January 2005. We are a Bishop's Mission Order in the Anglican diocese of Exeter and are currently around 400 strong.
We are committed to communicating the gospel in a culturally relevant way, experiencing and ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit and planting new networks.