
Please join us to pray in the ENC offices every Tuesday lunchtime! We will be focussing on different themes each week. Everyone welcome. Bring your lunch. Prayer will start at 1.05 and finish 1.55, so come in time to grab a drink, and let’s call out to God who in his mercy hears our prayers and acts on our behalf.

1st TUES

Christians Against Poverty

1st Tuesday of the month - 1.05pm - 1.55pm - ENC Offices

2nd TUES

The Persecuted Church

2nd Tuesday of the month - 1.05pm - 1.55pm - ENC Offices

3rd TUES

The City Of Exeter, Devon

3rd Tuesday of the month - 1.05pm - 1.55pm - ENC Offices

4th TUES

Our Church Community

4th Tuesday of the month - 1.05pm - 1.55pm - ENC Offices


Firehouses are homes across the city, where once a week people gather for 45 minutes of white-hot prayer. We believe that prayer makes a difference, so, with Jesus at the centre, we are going to ignite prayer fires to fuel our future mission in the city. We want to:

- stir up hunger for God amongst us as a community
- receive more power for transformation
- remember again that we are people sent into the city

Thursdays at 5.45pm - 6.30pm - Heavitree - Starts January 16th

Heavitree Firehouse

Wednesdays at 6.30am - Heavitree

Early shift(Men’s Firehouse)

Deeper Prayer Appointments

A deeper prayer appointment is an opportunity to set aside some time to bring before God something that you feel stuck with.  This might be an issue related to forgiveness, fear, or any other aspect of life. 

Many people find the simple experience of a supported prayer appointment a very comforting, healing and freeing time.  It is very common for people to leave the prayer appointment full of joy and hope.  The prayer appointment is often a time when people experience the love of God and receive fresh power for their everyday lives.


It is amazing to be able to activate some focused prayer when people in our ENC community face unexpected and urgent crises. The SWAT prayer team is for responding to urgent and important requests for prayer. By joining the team you need availability to pray immediately and specifically when you get a SWAT email, calling on God to intervene as the Holy Spirit leads you, and then to release it to God. These come along about 6-10 times a year.

When you are in crisis, it is so encouraging to know that lots of people are praying for you, and we know God hears our prayers, and responds mercifully to our cries for help. 

If you need prayer, please email

Prayer ministry training and joining the Sunday prayer team

Here at ENC we want everyone to be confident to pray for others everywhere in life - this includes Sundays and other times when we are together, but we also want to be ready to pray for anyone we meet anywhere, anytime.  

There is a very simple training that ensures we are all on the same page regarding how we pray for one another - in a nutshell, we want to be as normal and relaxed as possible when we pray with others and invite the power and presence of the Holy Spirit to bring about the extraordinary healing, peace and freedom that Holy Spirit does so well.

Praying for others is a great joy - you will experience God at work and grow in faith as you join in. 

Prayer Training is for everyone and many people also join our Sunday Teams to regularly pray for others. Please contact Sam Randall here or fill in the form below to hear about the next training opportunities.