6pm Fri 20th - 6pm Sat 21st Sep 2024
Providence Chapel, Northernhay Street

As a church, we want more of God’s presence in our lives. We want to see more of His upside down Kingdom breaking into our community and reaching to those around us, in the people of Exeter and beyond. These things come through a life of prayer, both individually and corporately.

The 24 hour days are an invitation - inviting the ENC community to allow some intentional disruption to our daily rhythms; they are opportunities to learn to pray and listen together, an extended chance to enjoy His presence as well as push through some of the things we find difficult when praying for an hour or so.

Sign up

Sign up to let us know that you are coming by clicking the link below and booking onto a one hour slot (or multiple slots if you feel up for it!).

  • Some slots have pre-planned led sessions which all are invited to attend (see the schedule above), you can book onto these slots as well to let us know you will be coming

  • Some slots are empty, you can book onto these and optionally chose a theme like children and young people, students, repentance or liturgy. Please be aware that others may join you in this too.

  • If you are booking as a group, only one of you needs to sign up.

  • We will have Gatekeepers behind the door at all times to let you in, explain how the room works, give you prayer guidance (if you would like some), encourage you and keep you safe. No one will be left alone in the prayer room. Even at 2 in the morning!

  • We recommend that after dark, you only travel to and from the prayer room in groups, not by yourselves.

If you have any issues, please contact Owain or the ENC offices (office@enc.uk.net, 01392 434311).

Praying from home

If you feel like you pray better at home or whilst out and about, we would still love for you to be involved. We have a separate 24hr calendar for those praying from home, please sign up using the link below to let us know when you will be praying.

Where is the prayer room?

How to book your session

Why pray? Why 24 hours?

We have been given the most simple yet profound gift of prayer from God. He created us to be able to communicate directly with Him in a multitude of ways. We have so much to learn and unlearn,  experience and explore through prayer.

A 24 hour prayer day with each other is one form of dedicating spending  time with Him in this intentional and disruptive way. 

Seeking to behold him, simply being with Him, talking and writing with Him, singing to and with Him, Hearing from Him, Experiencing Him, Learning from Him, Accepting His love for us and those around us, Thanking Him, Yielding to Him, Crying out to Him and Interceding with Him are all part of what makes prayer so rich.

At ENC we would love for you to join in to seek Him, enjoy Him and try to Perceive what He is saying to us and our church family.

So whether you have been praying for years or not sure at all about prayer, you are most welcome to come and explore!

Save the dates

We will also be running the 24hr prayer twice more in the Autumn on the following dates.

6pm Fri 18th - 6pm Sat 19th Oct 2024

6pm Fri 22nd - 6pm Sat 23rd Nov 2024