Here Come the Young*
As we wrote in February’s edition, our young people’s groups will contribute two or three articles for this section of Currency. We welcome this challenging start to the mini-series, written by Georgia Elvin.
*The title of Martyn Joseph’s 2019 album.
John Bryant
In light of the recent invasion of Ukraine, security is at the forefront of all our minds. Am I safe? How will this end? The list goes on. News channels have been filled with messages from world leaders about how serious this conflict is. Yet as this crisis continues, the issue of climate change is put on hold.
4 months ago the world’s attention was on COP26, the agreement we had all been waiting for. However, today our focus is on a very different matter. Both state and energy security have been threatened by the conflict in Eastern Europe. Nations like Germany who have previously relied so heavily on Russia for energy are now turning to coal and gas as a solution to their energy crisis. These measures will have devastating effects on our environment.
Throughout the Bible we see God’s heart for his creation and his people. God gave us the privilege of caring for this planet. This can seem daunting, especially when the change needed is much greater than the change we can make on our own. However our God is the God of the impossible. As this conflict continues, I urge you to pray for those affected and for those in positions of power regarding the climate. May our prayers move mountains.
Georgia Elvin