Why I Upcycle - Lizzie Pridmore
I upcycle clothes because I love the transformation. The trash-to-treasure redemption story of turning unwanted, unloved garments into something useful, fun, maybe even beautiful. I’m thrifty by nature, I don’t like things to go to waste so if I love a garment, I wear it until is worn out! But if I don’t love it, after a while I think about why I’m not wearing it and what I can change. So my upcycling story began with my own wardrobe - basic repairs and colourful patches to start with, then simple alterations like shortening a skirt (or more usually for me, adding length!) and gradually moved on to more ambitious projects.
The film ‘The True Cost’ changed my thinking about what I buy and about what happens to the clothes I don’t want any more. Our desire for new and cheap clothing has a huge impact on both people and planet, and then once it’s produced each item might be worn just a handful of times before it’s discarded. Upcycling has become part of my response to this, valuing and appreciating what I already have - and it’s really fun and satisfying to wear something that’s individual and has a story to tell.
Claire and I discuss tips and practical solutions for up cycling in this month’s easy swap video so please do take a look at that too.
Lizzie Pridmore
Under The Sun Upcycling, Instagram: @underthesun_upcycling
About Lizzie: Lizzie has been upcycling for longer than she can remember; she started Under The Sun Upcycling on instagram in June 2020 when lockdown gave space to revisit some old creative projects. Lizzie works for the Diocese of Exeter and when she is not sewing she can usually be found playing folk fiddle, writing music or putting the kettle on for another cup of tea.