Revival Not Resolutions
I recently shared my testimony on a moment of revival in my own life and the impact it has had on my day-to-day choices. Here are a few things I’ve found useful along the way and which I hope you’ll find helpful in your own pursuit of revival:
Pray – the volume and scale of issues we face is enormous but we know poverty, pollution and injustice (among other things) are not from God. But God has a plan and a purpose for each of us so pray about what your role is, where you should start and for those in positions of power.
Learn – we’ll be sharing information and ideas with you throughout the year but I’ve really enjoyed these books for those who want to delve a bit deeper:
L is for Lifestyle and Saying Yes to Life both by Ruth Valerio
The Radical Disciple by John Stott
How to be an Anti Racist by Ibram X. Kendi
The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert
Factfulness by Hans Rosling
There is no Planet B by Mike Berners-Lee
And next on my list, recommended by John Bryant, is God Doesn’t Do Waste by Dave Bookless
Do – small steps in the right direction are an antidote to feeling overwhelmed. Try for a library of ideas on how to live more sustainably (which can be filtered based on ease and impact).
Claire Williams