Everyday Devotion: Revival not Resolutions

Revival Not Resolutions

I recently shared my testimony on a moment of revival in my own life and the impact it has had on my day-to-day choices. Here are a few things I’ve found useful along the way and which I hope you’ll find helpful in your own pursuit of revival:

Pray – the volume and scale of issues we face is enormous but we know poverty, pollution and injustice (among other things) are not from God. But God has a plan and a purpose for each of us so pray about what your role is, where you should start and for those in positions of power.

Learn – we’ll be sharing information and ideas with you throughout the year but I’ve really enjoyed these books for those who want to delve a bit deeper:

  • L is for Lifestyle and Saying Yes to Life both by Ruth Valerio

  • The Radical Disciple by John Stott

  • How to be an Anti Racist by Ibram X. Kendi

  • The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert

  • Factfulness by Hans Rosling

  • There is no Planet B by Mike Berners-Lee

  • And next on my list, recommended by John Bryant, is God Doesn’t Do Waste by Dave Bookless

Do – small steps in the right direction are an antidote to feeling overwhelmed. Try https://zero.giki.earth/ for a library of ideas on how to live more sustainably (which can be filtered based on ease and impact).

Claire Williams