Sustainability, Creation care, stewardship, eco-friendly, going green - what other buzzwords have you heard? What do they really mean? We can’t give you a universal definition but what we can tell you is that at ENC we recognise that when God created the world it was all declared good. Its our job as Christians to play our part in keeping it that way, or more accurately for today’s time, restoring it. We’re trying to do this in a number of ways:
Gradually changing the way we operate as an organisation to reduce the burden our activities place on the world’s natural resources.
Teaching that looking after one another and our planet is a fundamental part of our worship of God.
Encouraging and helping our members to be able to make better choices in their own lives.
We’ve started with baby steps but trust God to grow our courage and faith in this area to take the bolder choices that we know are needed from everyone.
Tues 2nd Nov/ Finance
thurs 4th Nov / biodiversity
We are delighted to have achieved a bronze Eco Church award and are working towards the next level. Some of the changes we’ve already made towards this are:
Switching energy supplier.
Holding a Climate Sunday - the talk for this can be found here.
Switching to reusable cleaning supplies.
Sharing monthly articles and videos on sustainable lifestyle choices - archives of both of these can be found on this page.
Our plans for the immediate future include setting up recycling hubs, holding upcycling workshops, reducing car usage and tackling food waste, to name but a few.
If you want to get in touch we’d love to hear from you - please email us at
Catch up on Claire’s talk from Climate Sunday